Many of the candidates while doing the job search face the biggest question-What is your weakness. When candidates after apply for jobs as full time jobs in USA, online jobs in USA, jobs near me face this question. Many of them face this walkin interview question, it makes shudder.
This may be one of the reason if not getting selected for jobs. Many candidates create their free job alert and get with this walkin interview question.
The most toughest walkin interview faced- What is your weakness? The scenario here is, when you go for interview with a positive attitude. But this question makes you think about yourself negatively. But no worries, we have a solution for this
How to genuinely answer with this question. Following will help you out.
1- Get specific and list your weaknesses
When you face with this walkin interview question instead of writing lazy, write ‘I am bit slow to respond emails’. Get ready with your list so it will become easy for you to answer with this question .
2. Utilize Empathy
Let’s consider if you are a software developer, a weakness you could talk about is the fact that you are little shy when it comes to speaking at large meetings.
Let’s consider if you are a software developer, a weakness you could talk about is the fact that you are little shy when it comes to speaking at large meetings.
This will not have an impact on your core technical skills. Employers hire the candidates with their free job posting from the job portal website to hire candidates. You can create a free job alert for getting online jobs in USA, full time jobs in USA, jobs near me etc.
3- How you are working out on your weakness?
Now, if we consider you are in sales, you can say“I’ve been working on it. Also I realize the value of getting it right. I’ve learn that if I stay on top of it, it will free up more of my time to focus on sales”.
For a software developer you could say the following:
“It’s something I’m aware of and I’ve been practicing a range of visualization techniques prior to going into meetings.
Get scheduled with your interview today by creating your free job alert-
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