Monday, 30 January 2017

Find the right candidate now|

Our company was good progressing and a leading company. We were having number of projects of the clients we were supposed to complete in time. So it was a time to hire candidates now so
we wanted to hire freshers as well as experienced candidates. So it was difficult to get the experienced candidates. We wanted to hire candidates for full time jobs as well as part time jobs,freelancing and candidates who wanted jobs near me. So we searched for the good job portals where we can hire the desired candidates. We found “JOBPOKET”,the best job portal for posting a job.
We can easily post a job using this site. We can post a job as jobs near me,full time jobs,part time jobs, freelancing jobs. By posting the jobs it becomes easy to categorise jobs as jobs near me,part time jobs ,full time jobs,freelancing as well as the candidate who are willing to have jobs near me.
The site is very simple and easy to use. Firstly if you are new to this register your company so that you can post a job for free to hire the right candidate who is able to work in a challenging environment.
Once you have registered yourself, describe your company details so there are more chances of getting the resumes
After you have finished with this you can now post a job for free as many as you want. You can also
post a job as full time jobs,part time jobs,freelancing jobs,as well as jobs near me.
The candidate then will apply accordingly for the jobs as jobs near me or full time jobs etc.

It offers best relevance of job search which results through its database of candidates who submitted their resume with its unique 2-way communication,which helps job seekers to get the jobs which they desire and this help employers to hire the job seekers faster.
Once you post resume it will be viewed by the candidate. Once you post a job the candidate can view the job which will be displayed in the companies section where the jobs will be visible to candidates. It shows with all the description of the jobs as such it is a freelancing,full time job or part time job or jobs near me. This makes easy for candidates to apply.
You can start receiving responses within initial 12 hours after posting a job. The job goes live immediately after posting a job and can get millions of candidates from database with matching requirements.
You can also see-

Full Time Jobs & Post Jobs for Free

Get The Right Candidate for Your Company|Post Free Jobs|

Got the job on One click | Jobpoket

It was a pretty tough time for me without a job. During the completion of my engineering that is during my last semester there was not as such campus recruitment. I got the job, but it was not of my desired location. It was hard for me to get a job as a fresher.Hence I started to search for the job where I wanted to live. First of all I searched for the job portal sites and one of them I got was“JOBPOKET”.I can say that Jobpoket is very good job portal site for the job seekers who are searching for job. The site is free to sign up and can search for the jobs easily. I easily got the list of the jobs according to my profile. This site is very much useful in many ways and it helped me to get my desired job.

  • I can search for the job easily as I only have to give the keyword,location(where I want to work),and the job category(according to my qualification).
  • Just by giving these three I got the list of jobs available with the keyword,location, and category.
  • One of the main benefit of using this site is that you don't have to search companies,because jobpoket itself provides the option for companies.
  • In companies option it shows the companies alphabetically with their number of posts and by clicking on it you can easily apply for the job once you login.
  • Also we can browse the latest jobs matching our profile
  • You can upload more than one resume and apply for the job accordingly
  • There are also more benefits about using this site
  • You can create a job alert which is more useful which shows the first jobs that matters to the profile
  • It also provides career advice which increases more chances to be hired by the employees
  • Resume remains secured and it can only be viewed by the authorized companies or employers.
  • You can also update your resume as this increases more chances to be hired by the company
  • It also gave a quick response once I applied for the job.
  • We can also add many resumes and add priority to resumes before applying for the job.

Build your career for better tomorrow

Jobs Near Me|Post a Job|Submit Resume

Get Your Jobs Now|Jobpoket is the best-job-engine website with innovative jobs worldwide where candidate can apply for jobs for desired profile. Jobpoket is also useful for all the recruiting companies hiring job seekers. One platform for employers and job seekers for posting a job as well as searching for job. It offers best relevance of job search which results through its database of candidates who submitted their resume with its unique 2-way communication,which helps job seekers to get the jobs which they desire and this help employers to hire the job seekers faster
Job seekers can also search for the full time jobs,part time jobs,jobs near as well as freelancing. The searching strategy shows accordingly as how the job seeker search the job as jobs near me or full time job or other. is also a free job posting site for the employers hiring job seekers. Its a good platform for employers to post a job with the job description which fulfill all the need they want from the job seekers. Employers can also post a job with categories as jobs near me,full time jobs,part time job as well as freelancing. This makes easy for the job seekers to search for the job easily in sorted manner. It provides a reliable, efficient and transparent method of matching a global pool of recruiters and compatible candidates, at a fraction of traditional recruitment cost.
Search your job & apply online for the latest Part-time jobs,freelance jobs,full-time jobs,home jobs with Biggest Job Search Engine.
  • You can directly search for the job of your desired location and your job category
  • Once after job searching you will get the list of jobs with company details,designation and whether it is full time job,jobs near me,part time job or freelancing.
  • For applying for the desired job you have to login with your account to apply for the job
  • For new users register yourself and then login to apply
  • Submit your resume for the post you want and and apply for the job
  • You can also bookmark your job can also create a job alert,where you will receive email of the jobs matching your profile

Jobpoket helps companies of all sizes to hire the best talent and offers the best opportunity platform for job seekers to get hired.
Its now easy to post a job to get the right candidates
Jobpoket provides a job posting in just three steps
  • If you have account already created then login else register your company
  • Once logged in describe your company and vacancies in your company
  • Once done with it preview your posting and then you can post a job
  • Employers can also view the resumes of the candidates
Career Guide
We provide daily base career advice to the candidates for improving their chances and getting more possibility to be hired by employers.
Process of communication
Easily track the recruitment process/progress of the reviewed applicants per job. Use our “status folders” to provide instant feedback to the candidates by moving the reviewed resumes from the inbox to “In Process”, “Rejected” or “Finalist” status folders.
Create a job alert
Candidate can setup a targeted alert and be first to the jobs that matter. Candidate gets notification when employer post that type of jobs.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Full Time Jobs & Post Jobs for Free

Jobpoket,its just like jobs in your pocket. It is the best-job-search engine for job seekers. Job seekers can easily search for job as well as for employers or recruiters to post jobs for free with jobpoket. Jobpoket also provides to search for job according to desired location for the job seekers which can be jobs near me,full time jobs, part time jobs,freelancing jobs etc. Now you can easily search for your best part-time jobs on just one click.
Job Seeker just sign up with the jobpoket. Once signed up then candidates can easily browse for categories,jobs which also include part time jobs,companies,dashboard.
Submit your resume and the recruiters will contact you soon for the further process

Now candidate can create a jobalert and can also bookmark job which will help them to apply for jobs later.

Jobpoket is also very useful for employers or recruiters to post a job.
Employers!!Hire the right candidate with jobpoket.
For employers its a good platform to post a job and get the good talent. Employers can post jobs with different categories such as full time jobs,freelancing,part time jobs. You can post jobs as part time jobs in different category so its easy to hire candidate for part time jobs. It also becomes easy for candidate who want to apply for part time jobs
It offers best relevance of job search which results through its database of candidates who submitted their resume with its unique 2-way communication,which helps job seekers to get the jobs which they desire and this help employers to hire the job seekers faster
Employers just sign up if you are new user and then post jobs and can view the resumes of the candidates who is eligible to work in your organisation.
It offers best relevance of job search which results through its database of candidates who submitted their resume with its unique 2-way communication,which helps job seekers to get the jobs which they desire and this help employers to hire the job seekers faster Post your jobs freely. Once you post resume it will be viewed by the candidate.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Get The Right Candidate for Your Company|Post Free Jobs|

We started an IT company. Our company was a leading IT company. We wanted to increase our growth rate so wanted to hire experienced candidates. It was quit difficult to get the experienced candidates. But “JOBPOKET” made it easy. We easily got the experienced candidates with good talent and ability to work in a challenging environment.It made easy to post jobs as jobs near me,full time jobs,part time jobs and freelancing
Jobpoket offered us-
  • Firstly the site is free and easy to use.
  • Just sign up and post a job
  • Once you post a job it will be viewed by the candidates
  • One main advantage of using jobpoket is that employers can view the resumes of the candidates who have applied for job.
  • Describe about your company and also the vacancies available in your company and get the desired candidate with good talent
  • Employers can select the desired candidate according to the resume of the candidate.
  • A good service provided for employers to post a job and hire the candidates
  • You can also post a job according to category as jobs near me, full time jobs,part time jobs as well as freelancing
  • This makes easy for candidate to apply for jobs as near me or full time or part-time jobs.

Other more services-
Get your company get listed in the companies tab so that the candidates can easily applyfor the jobs in your company
Jobpoket provides an additional feature which is very effective,you can easily track the recruitment process of the reviewed applicants per job.
You can use the status folder which provides instant feedback to the candidates and moving the reviewed resume from inbox to Inprocee,Rejected or Finalist
This feature makes easy to hire candidates
Once we post a job we get receiving responses for jobs from candidates within 12 hrs.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Hire the right Talent now|

We started an IT company. As it was a startup company it was difficult for us to get the candidates with good talent and ability to face challenging tasks. It was also difficult to select the candidate from college campus. In colleges we have to examine each and every candidate which was a bit lengthy. But then our employees searched for how to hire the desired candidates. Then “JOBPOKET” helped us out for hiring the candidates. It can be said that jobpoket is the best-job-post engine as well as posting for jobs. The site is free to use and very easily we can get the talent.
Jobpoket offered us-
  • Firstly the site is free and easy to use.
  • Just sign up and post a job
  • Once you post a job it will be viewed by the candidates
  • One main advantage of using jobpoket is that employers can view the resumes of the candidates who have applied for job.
  • Describe about your company and also the vacancies available in your company and get the desired candidate with good talent
  • Employers can select the desired candidate according to the resume of the candidate.
  • A good service provided for employers to post a job and hire the candidates
  • You can also post a job according to category as jobs near me, full time jobs,part time jobs as well as freelancing
  • This makes easy for candidate to apply for jobs as near me or full time or part-time jobs.

Other more services-
Get your company get listed in the companies tab so that the candidates can easily apply for the jobs in your company
Jobpoket provides an additional feature which is very effective,you can easily track the recruitment process of the reviewed applicants per job.
You can use the status folder which provides instant feedback to the candidates and moving the reviewed resume from inbox to Inprocess,Rejected or Finalist
This feature makes easy to hire candidates
Once we post a job we get receiving responses for jobs from candidates within 12 hrs.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Build your career for better tomorrow

The Best Job Portal for posting jobs worldwide. Jobpoket simplifies the job search process for job seekers by providing various hiring solutions to help recruiters hire quickly with quality talent. The platform helps its clients fulfil their hiring needs.Post your job now and get resumes instantly.
One platform for employers and job seekers for posting a job as well as searching for job. Its unique 2-way communication,which helps job seekers to get the jobs which they desire and this help employers to hire the job seekers faster. Employers can post a job with categories as jobs near me,full time jobs,part time job as well as freelancing. This makes easy for the job seekers to search for the job easily in sorted manner. It provides a reliable, efficient and transparent method of matching a global pool of recruiters and compatible candidates, at a fraction of traditional recruitment cost.
We offer you with guaranteed hiring of candidates. Your next hire is on jobpoket
  • More Employers Hiring through us. Join jobpoket now!
  • Find candidates near your Location
    SMS, Mailer and select the eligible candidates
  • We offer Unlimited Job Posting
  • We also provide freelancing posts, find the right experts to fuel your success.

With jobpoket, you can save your time and simplify the process of reviewing applications, candidate screening, managing candidates resumes , and scheduling interviews for the qualified job seekers. By posting jobs you can also get an access to resume database. This database of job seekers comprises updated resumes of fresher and experienced candidates from various industries. 
Jobseekers|Get your Job here
Search your job & apply online for the latest Part-time jobs,freelance jobs,full-time jobs,home jobs with Biggest Job Search Engine.
The portal has a very simple job posting and job search method
  • Give your few moment and get your dream job now
  • Here are the jobs waiting for you
  • Create your own job alert and get the matching jobs which you can easily apply
  • You can also bookmark your job can also create a job alert,where you will receive email of the jobs matching your profile
  • Receive matching jobs on your email.
  • Get headhunted with respected employers searching our resume database
  • Only one step away from getting opportunities for millions of jobs
Other Services offered by Jobpoket
Career Guide
We provide daily base career advice to the candidates for improving their chances and getting more possibility to be hired by employers.
Process of communication
Easily track the recruitment process/progress of the reviewed applicants per job. Use our “status folders” to provide instant feedback to the candidates by moving the reviewed resumes from the inbox to “In Process”, “Rejected” or “Finalist” status folders.
Create a job alert
Candidate can setup a targeted alert and be first to the jobs that matter. Candidate gets notification when employer post that type of jobs.